Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Fountainhead

From The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand:

The world of the future. The world I want. A world of obedience and of unity. A world where the thought of each man will not be his own, but an attempt to guess the thought of the brain of his neighbor who'll have no thought of his own but an attempt to guess the thought of the next neighbor who'll have no thought--and so on, Peter, around the globe. Since all must agree with all. A world where no man will hold a desire for himself, but will direct all his efforts to satisfy the desires of his neighbor who'll have no desires except to satisfy the desires of the next neighbor who'll have no desires--around the globe, Peter. Since all must serve all. A world in which man will not work for so innocent an incentive as money, but for that headless monster--prestige. The approval of his fellows--their good opinion--the opinion of men who'll be allowed to hold no opinion. An octopus, all tentacles and no brain. Judgment, Peter! Not judgment, but public polls. An average drawn upon zeroes--since no individuality will be permitted. A world with its motor cut off and a single heart, pumped by hand. My hand--and the hands of a few, a very few other men like me. Those who know what makes you tick...
Then, I thought this a tad queer, she proceeds to go on for three pages straight about masturbation. Huh.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I'm Still Alive

A brief update.

I am still alive. Brady has essentially conceded the 15K writing challenge to me. I have about a thousand words to go. I've written at least 250 words every day this new year, and I hope to continue this consistency. After all, persistence is key in life's pursuits.

As I thought to myself: 'If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.' Feel free to use this in conversations; I just made it up.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Great American Novel

I wrote this in an email earlier today, and I think it's worth sharing.
If ducks could talk, I wonder if, during the breathless moments before a sexual encounter, one would look into the other's eyes and whisper, "Girl, you ruffle my feathers." I have no idea what made me think of that. Maybe I should write an erotic allegory along the lines of Animal Farm, except with more hot, raw sex. Quack, quack!

If there is any interest from a publisher happening to peruse my blog, drop a line and I'll get on it right away!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

15K Writing Challenge: I'm up to 3402 words through day 13.

I'm in Florida, staying at my parents's new home in Fort Myers, through next Saturday, so to all you suckers stuck in the Wisconsin cold: stinks to be you.

Now if you'll excuse me, it's time for me to take a bath. Just kidding; a dip in the porch pool is in order.

Go Badgers!