Thursday, December 21, 2006

15K Writing Challenge

Brady and I have entered into yet another writing challenge. The goal is to write 15,000 words. It's a speed contest, and the loser must buy the winner 100 cans of Diet Coke, to be delivered to the winner's front door within two days of the contest's conclusion. Once someone reaches the 15K plateau, the other has a three-day window for catch-upsies.

Day 3: 0 words.

The good thing about this contest is there's no daily requirement. Sure, it might take us five years to finish, but, damn it, we will finish!

I once wrote over 6,500 words in a day. I also wrote 50,000 words, or 1,667 per day, over a period of thirty days. I'm not nearly so prolific these days. I'm not exactly sure why. Boo to me.

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