Thursday, July 06, 2006


My fans have been itching for more. Unfortunately, I've been too busy dreaming up million dollar ideas. Oh, and also helping my bro, Brady, out with his burgeoning rap career. If anyone knows anything about hand gestures, rhyming, or has the 411 about upcoming rap battles, let Brady know!

I do have several hilarious articles forthcoming, my favorite about Nich Lachey, so keep an eye out, yo! Also, Jim gave me plenty of blogging fodder this evening at the Dane, after a pitcher or three of beer. Stay tuned for a story of a man who nearly accidentally stabbed himself to death, in the face, with a fork. "Oh God, that one got me in the eye!" Based on a true story, y'all. I shit you not.

Peace out, and, as Brady would say, word to your mother.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hazaa!!! A new post. Thirsty for more.