Saturday, July 22, 2006

BT 2.0

Doing well on the pizza strike. I'm too lazy to check how long it's been, but I'm on week two now. Today, endeavoring to branch out with my eating habits, I tried to make Sloppy Joes for the first time since learning the recipe from my sister-in-law, Elin, a couple months ago.


Despite what you may think, you can indeed make sloppy joes too sloppy.

That, however, did not stop me from devouring six of them over a two hour span.

Sloppy but delicious.

So much for no pizza improving my diet. Guilty, I ran three miles on the trusty treadmill (which squeaks so loudly I can hear it despite listening to my iPod at full blast with earbuds). Damn it felt nice to exercise with the eye of the tiger again.

BT 2.0 is on the way.

Bigger, faster, blacker, better.

You might be wondering if "blacker" above was an attempt at comedy, but you'd be wrong--dead wrong. Laura chided me for having "pasty" hands at Frisbee yesterday. I must say congratulations, Laura, for taking my self-esteem down a peg or three. Not everyone can have sexy golden hand skin like you. It's my only physical imperfection. Sue me.

Sufficed to say, tomorrow I won't be wearing golf gloves on the links.

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